How Marketing-Driven Outbound with Primer Increased Airgap’s Demos by 50%
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How Marketing-Driven Outbound with Primer Increased Airgap’s Demos by 50%

Airgap is a cybersecurity startup with an aggressive growth strategy. As a series A startup, they rely heavily on marketing to generate pipeline and hit their sales goals each quarter. 

Spring Sanchez, who leads Growth Marketing, was brought on to build and execute digital campaigns. She quickly saw that their current tactics weren't efficient enough – they were spending too much to acquire low-quality leads. 

The Problem: Too Many Unqualified Leads Creating an Inflated CPL

Spring was previously leveraging a different audience solution and suddenly noticed that the match rate of her audiences had dropped by 40%, costs had increased, and the leads were outside of their ICP. The marketing team needed a better way to identify and target their ICP to drive inbound but also support outbound. The current tools weren't granular enough, particularly on LinkedIn. 

If it was not for Primer, I would have missed my Q3 goals.

The Hypothesis: Better Audience Data Would Lead to a Higher Match Rate

Spring was served an ad on Facebook that spoke to her exact problem, and since she’d never seen such relevant B2B targeting on that platform before, she decided to give Primer a try. She believed at her core that better audience data would lead to a higher match rate, resulting in more qualified prospects, increased conversion rates, and lower acquisition costs.

Spring needed access to more granularity than LinkedIn’s native targeting so she could hone in on her ICP and reduce wasted spend. She also believed that focusing more on inbound marketing tactics like email marketing and webinars and less on low-converting LinkedIn lead gen forms would generate higher-quality leads. She had seen this play out at a previous role but was only ever able to achieve a LinkedIn match rate of around 45%.

Spring believed Primer could provide highly qualified audiences with higher match rates PLUS the ability to use those audiences for marketing-supported outbound

Primer lets you target your ICP everywhere
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The Solution: Using Primer to Build Targeted Email and LinkedIn Audiences with 90% Match Rates

Spring started using Primer to build targeted email and LinkedIn audiences. The ability to search expansive job titles and technologies uncovered niche roles and terms that expanded her understanding of her ICP.

Primer, by far, has superior customer support and is invested in my organization’s success.

With direct access to the platform, she tailored audiences to capture highly specific job titles like:

  • Cyber threat hunters
  • Network engineers 
  • Heads of Information Security  

She then turned these into granular lists for ABM and outbound motions. 

The tailored audiences provided:

  • 80% new outbound prospects compared to their existing tools
  • 90% match rates versus the 40-60% match rate of other tools
  • 38% increase in LinkedIn audience size due to the job title targeting capabilities 
  • Increased compliance by excluding contacts on the Do Not Call list

What initially sold Spring was Primer’s concept of data waterfalls: stacking more high-quality sources on top of each other to increase data depth. Turns out it worked.

The Impact: Primer’s Data Waterfalls Helped Increase Conversions by ~28% 

The high-quality Primer audiences directly led to Airgap's success in Q3, helping Spring hit her quarterly goals.

Between Q2 and Q3, conversions from outbound emails increased approximately 28%.

In addition to an increased pipeline and lower CPL, Primer's self-service platform and stellar support enabled Spring to take immediate action without waiting on other teams. 

I originally came to you guys for LinkedIn advertising, and it's amazing because, with all my different use cases, I haven't really gone deep into the LinkedIn piece of it yet.

Well, that’s up next!

Company info
Spring Sanchez
Growth Marketer
Highly specific job titles
Funding Stage
Series A

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